Book Name

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Revision as of 09:47, 6 November 2015 by Adia (talk | contribs) (Remove quotes from "Holyoke One-Shot")
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For information on when to create new Series, see New Series.

The Series (Book) Name spelled as it appears in the indicia or title page. If there is no indicia or title page (as is common in European comics) the cover title should be used.

Required field

  • Leading articles (e.g. "A", "An" or "The") are marked by a checkbox.
  • When the languages of the Series Name and the content do not match, each publication language (the language of the contents) sets the rules by which foreign language titles are sorted, using that publication language's most widespread conventions. We collect these rules on the following page: Foreign language sortings.
  • Series Name is listed in upper/lower case, not all caps. Regular rules of capitalization apply. I.e., titles from American publications will use the MLA English title case rules for English, titles from German publications will use the title case rules for German, etc. However, if the Series Name is given using mixed capitalization inside the individual words in a consistent fashion over the run of the series, record the Series Name like that. Other unusual title capitalizations can be considered on a case by case basis by the Policy List and approved by a vote of its members.
  • Multiple series with the same name are differentiated by the dates of the series rather than any change in the data in this field (i.e. "Eternals" with a starting date of 2008, not "Eternals [4th series]"). If multiple series with the same name came out starting in the same year, we have to do something else which is not yet decided.
  • Of special note is the series formerly known as Holyoke One-Shot and also known by that name in some comics price guides and other references. The GCD Policy committee has voted to split this "series" into several series using the titles of each issue. These resulting series are connected by tracking links.
  • Examples:
Action Comics
The Adventures of Superman - with leading article checkbox ticked
A Patty Cake Christmas - with leading article checkbox ticked
Best of the West
Der Aufschub - with leading article checkbox ticked
ElfQuest, xxxHOLiC, DNAgents

End of definition

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