Publisher's Brand Emblem

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  1. The name of a brand that involves text should begin with the text read in the most logical

order across the emblem. If it is possible to read it left-to-right, top-to-bottom (or right-to-left, etc. depending on the language) then it should be read that way. If the ordering is ambiguous, then any ordering that captures the words is acceptable.

  1. A brief description of distinguishing graphical elements may be placed after the name, in square brackets. If there are versions of the brand emblem that differ only in the graphical elements, then the description *must* be present for *all* such brand names.
  2. Letters that are part of the logo should be captured as well, to distinguish "i [Image]", "Image i" and "Image", or to distinguish "i [Image]" from some other brand using an "i" emblem.
  3. If an emblem involves a particularly stylized letter, it may be included in the graphical description rather than as part of the text name. The goal should be clarity. For instance "Image [under lower-case i]" is more clear than "Image i".
  4. If an emblem has no typographical elements, its name must consist entirely of a brief description inside of square brackets.
  5. The choice of words in the description, order of words in the name (when ambiguous), and the placement of certain typographical elements in the name vs description are necessarily subjective. Changes should not be made without clear justification. Approvers must reject (or send back) changes that are poorly justified or do not appear to offer significant improvement.
    • Example of a good justification (for changing "Image i" to "Image [under lower-case i]"):
      • "It is not always immediately clear that the thing above the word "Image" is an "i". Describing the letter and it's placement is more likelty to make people certain they are choosing the right brand."
    • Example of bad justifications (for changing "Image [under lower-case i]" to "Image i"):
      • "'Image i' is more concise" [reject]
      • "'Image i' should be enough to figure it out" [reject]
      • "I saw another brand with a name and a plain letter, so this should just be 'Image i'" [reject]
  6. Both graphical and textual changes should be captured by separate brands. The following exceptions are the only cases when a change or variation can and must be ignored:
    • When a brand appears in multiple colors concurrently, or rotates through color schemes too frequently to establish an identity with any one color scheme, changes in the color must be ignored. Example:
      • "Captain America: Patriot" uses the typical red Marvel logo on issue #2, a silver version on issue #1, and a greenish version on issue #3. These are not distinct brands.
    • Informational elements that are attached to, adjacent to, or somehow mixed with publisher brand emblems, such as issue numbers, URLs, descriptive elements such as "limited series", "variant edition" or "one shot", must be ignored.
      • If the URL is an integral and consistent part of the brand, it must be included. URLs or ".com" tacked on to existing emblems are not integral parts of the brand. A brand launched from the beginning including a URL within the emblem, or reworked and relaunched to integrate a URL, would have the URL as an integral part of the brand.
  7. Brands that are integrated into series names (DC Special) are still brands.
    • Integrated brands that otherwise appear identical to existing brands should be treated as instances of the existing brand.
    • Integrated brands that appear different beyond their simple attachment to a series name should be treated as separate brands. However, the series name should not become part of the brand, nor should there be a separate brand for each series unless some other element of the brand changes per series. For instance, DC brands that used different background shapes with different series are separate brands, but plain DC letters in a white circle (attached to a series name or not) are all the same brand.
  8. Multiple brands should be separated by semi-colons.
  9. Additional examples sent to the GCD policy list during the discussion leading up to this ballot where the discussion participants agreed on the example usage should be incorporated into this definition. Examples where the participants did not reach an agreement may be included if the existing disagreements are resolved by discussion or vote.

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