Tracking (Series Bond)

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  • Required field (if applicable)
  • This set of series links and notes is used to track
    • Numbering continuation from one series to another.
    • Numbering reset of an ongoing series to another without publisher changes.

Numbering continuation from one series to another

  • The following reasons are allowed:
    • Major series title change
    • Minor series title change
    • Publisher change
    • Merging series - Though it has been decided to allow a series bond for merges between series, this has NOT YET BEEN implemented. Some details are still being addressed on the Policy List. To qualify as a merge, the title of the new merged series must incorporate elements of the titles of each source series in the merge. Further, it must continue the numbering of one of the source series. Note that the numberings of other source series may continue in other series. Merges are especially important for UK series, where two or more series merge into a single new series. These sometimes combine names, sometimes adopt a new name, and sometimes take one of the original series' names. These generally continue numbering from only one of the series.
    • Subnumbering - There are series which have, besides their normal numbering, a so-called subnumbering. With Subnumbering, we consider the case of issues in a series which appear to contain another series name and issue number within each issue title, and which continues over the course of the series. Such a subnumbering might continue in a different series using the series name from the subnumbering and continuing the issue number from the subnumbering. For example:
Collectie 500 #191 - Kookaburra Universe 1: Het geheim van Sniper
Collectie 500 #230 - Kookaburra Universe 2: Taman Kha
continues later as
Kookaburra Universe 3 - Mano Kha.
NOTE: we will re-evaluate the situation of subnumbering once the also-known-as concept is implemented.

NOTE: The exact definitions of major and minor have not been set. General sentiment on policy to date (5 April 2015) lean towards:

  • Any shared words (other than "a", "the", etc.): Minor title change
    • All Winners to All Western Winners is a minor change, even though the content change was substantial
  • Anything else: Major title change

NOTE: It has not yet been specified what reason to give if both the title and publisher change. Just pick one.

  • Any other links not specified above are *not* valid in this field. Other links that have been discussed include:
    • Connecting series that change publishers but have no continuation of numbering (and are therefore considered separate series by the GCD)
    • Connecting a series to subsequent volumes with new numberings
    • Connecting a series based on content (primary feature moving between series) when the numbers do not follow

  • Prior to early 2015, only the free-form text field was available. When possible, these should be migrated to links and the text removed.
    • The text field may be used for notes that do not fit well as link-level notes, for instance general background information about complex connections. By long-standing convention, the preferred entry method for all text-based information is to use the language the comic was published in. English can always be used as an alternate.

  • Links can connect two series, an issue and a series (in either direction), or two issues.
    • Omitting the issue implies that the continuation is from the relevant end of the series.
    • If continuation is from or to an issue other than the expected end issue, the non-end issue should be specified in the link.

  • If the link is uncertain, check the relevant box (NOTE this has not been implemented- for now, leave such things in the free-form text field) Examples of uncertain links:
    • Link inferred from numbers and dates, but nothing else confirms it. Particularly if the series was published irregularly, making dates unreliable indications (while less of a concern now, before indicia publisher information was available for Timely/Atlas issues, some links were ambiguous).
    • There are numbering irregularities involved, but other evidence points to a connection (there's a Fox series like this involving a skipped number).
    • A new related title picks up the numbering of two canceled titles, without any indication of which was intended to be continued (the Superman Annual situation).
    • An example of an uncertain link is when one is inferred from dates and numbers, but the pattern isn't regular and there is no other way to confirm.
  • Example of a merged series: Lion and Thunder (IPC, 1971 Series) - Numbering continued from Lion (IPC, 1970 series). Merged with Thunder (IPC, 1970 Series).

Numbering reset of an ongoing series to another without publisher changes

  • Also know as "rebooted as/rebooted from" is linking series with the same name and publisher and that have little or no gap in publication schedule but have separate series records because the publisher re-set their numbering.
  • Links can connect two series, an issue and a series (in either direction), or two issues.
  • Examples are most of the New 52 titles, or Marvel's Heroes Reborn, etc.

(end of definition)

Policy Votes Affecting This Topic - 2020-11-07 - 2016-07-19 - 2015-05-03 - 2015-01-18

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