Is Singleton

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Optional field

There is now a field at the Series level field to indicate whether a Series has only a single issue by design. This "is_singleton" flag is set when editing a Series. It shall be used only when it can be determined that the "series" was designed to consist of a single, standalone publication, NOT when a Series just happens to have ended up as a single issue. Sometimes, the indicia states that a Series is published as a one-shot. NOTE: If an issue includes a frequency in the indicia, it is an indication, but not proof, that it was not intended to be a singleton.

Please note that once a Series has been designated as "is_singleton", Series level information such as Format can only be edited from the Issue page (the button is at the right, near the other Editing buttons). Series Notes should be moved to the Issue to remain visible.

(end of definition)

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